josefina Bashout josefina Bashout

Regaining Your Erotic Innocence

Pleasure is at the core of our existence and our culture has weaponized sexual pleasure against women.

Slut is a word we can either erase or embrace.

Angelika points out that it is important to understand that these labels are a reflection of the person weaponizing them because people are terrified of a spiritually and sexually liberated woman!

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josefina Bashout josefina Bashout

What is a P*ssy Priestess®?

As a Pussy Priestess®, I educate, facilitate, support, guide and hold space for women & couples who are ready to step out of shame, confusion, & fear within their own love & sex life. Whatever this looks for them, I’m with them on the journey as they come into an authentic expression of their erotic aliveness & sensual nature.

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josefina Bashout josefina Bashout

How is Your Heart Doing Today?

I am angry and shocked at what is going on in the world, but it won’t dictate how I feel inside.

There are so many of us powerful, divine women, living under these archaic systems, that THIS is the time that we learn to fuel our feminine as opposed to fueling our anger.

Feel your anger, YES - but don’t live in and let it rule you.

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josefina Bashout josefina Bashout

Life isn’t Fun Without Sexy Time

What is the first step to living more sensually? The ability to feel deep, sensual pleasure already lies within you. To access this, start welcoming back those simple pleasures that allow you to connect deeper with your senses and take time to enjoy all of the emotions and experiences in life.

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josefina Bashout josefina Bashout

Your unapologetic nature is calling …

I know you may be scared to show your lover or partner the full feminine power that you have reclaimed inside of yourself. But guess what? Every expression of you is an expression of the wildness in nature. And we want it. You need to be it all because you are a part of nature…

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