Your unapologetic nature is calling …

I know you may be scared to show your lover or partner the full feminine power that you have reclaimed inside of yourself. 

But guess what? 

Every expression of you is an expression of the wildness in nature 

And we want it.

You need to be it all because you are a part of nature.

Maybe you have hidden your unapologetic…

-By making sex all about him

-By hiding your sexual desires, telling yourself “I can't share this with him”

-By blaming the past and external conditions, keeping it to yourself so you’re seen as the good girl or “wifey” material 

-By not asking for what you want b/c you think it kills the mood 

-By shaming yourself for desiring more sex, exploration & spiciness 

This past week, I was called to reclaim what being unapologetic means to me.

My heart shattered, and I was forced to bring out the truth.

Being unapologetic means being seen & heard in my full range and loving all the places where shame tries to take hold.

It doesn’t mean being loud or sharing on a pedestal.

It simply means liberating the life inside us all. 

I want to see how unapologetic you can really become... when you allow yourself to be witnessed in your magic & feminine power.

The clients who are blessed to work with me in a 1:1 mentorship container experience radical shifts in their sex, love, & money. 

You can experience this shift to:

- Learn to speak your truth where it matters most

- Unleash the badass in you who rises to her top

- Embody the version of you who already has it all

Mmmmmmm. I’d want this!

The first step in reclaiming your unapologetic nature & working with me is to qualify - book an energy assessment consultation here and get yourself reconnected to your wild!

Not ready to book a session, but still want to live a life where you are unabashedly free through authentic self-expression🕊💃

Tune into this week’s extra juicy episode of The Pussy Priestess Show where my sister Samira joins me to add another layer to our boldness by sharing the secrets to full authenticity.

We, Bashout sisters, have mastered the power of bold, authentic expression🧨🌟🔥💙💖

If you are ready to join us in living unabashedly, Tune in for Podcast Episode 9.


Life isn’t Fun Without Sexy Time


Can you actually heal your life through S/X?