New Year, New You✨💃

New Years Affirmations for Clarity & Confidence!

Happy New Year my gorgeous community of Pleasuristas!!

I am writing to you from the lands of Portugal where my partner and I decided to adventure into for a month so that we could align with our highest vision for our relationship as well as our careers.

No matter where in the world we are-our experience of the world is always pleasurable and the quality of our experiences are consistently SOLID because of our daily rituals that we share together.

Whats awesome is that we each had our own boring practice for 10 years before we came together in our sacred relationship and THIS is a HUGE part of why we get along so easily and effortlessly.

We both know the massive value of having a daily practice and what a gift it is to now get to co create it and share in it together.

Each day we uplift not only ourselves but align with our core value or love, connection impact and world class service.

This wasn’t always the case for either of us and I have been in relationships where I had to hold my partner “accountable” and try so hard to just get him to show up for himself or for us to not stay in bed all morning long…these tiny habits impact the quality of life in the long run I discovered and when I cut the cord of the lovers of my past and decided with clear, devotion that I would be in partnership where he’s as committed to himself as I am it was easy to filter the candidates partnerships based on this simple truth. 

Does he have a consistent morning practice? 

A man who practices daily has a very distinguished energy and quality about him that cant be faked because its a compound affect of hours on hours of sitting with himself that can actually be felt as an intangible texture to his essence. 

Now, we do affirmation every morning on our walk and prime not only our day but our minds, body, and energy for success - its one of our favorite rituals and we come up with new ones often but repeat many of the same ones daily as what we speak we become and shapes our reality. 

Today, I want to share my favorite New Years Affirmations as my gift to you!

“I am shimmering as the divine feminine, embodying my power & pleasure as a role model for the people in life to live more freely.”

"I am a genius and apply my wisdom in ways that serves my relationship and career.”

“I am the full force of everything that IS created for me."

“I am blessed beyond belief”

"I am Rich, experiencing my worthiness grow through action!"

“This is truly the beginning”

“Being me right now is exciting”

“I am manifesting next-level quality people and things”

“I get what I want because it is good for all mankind”"

“It’s safe to have it all”

"I love money because it makes me more of who I truly am!"

“It’s a gift to receive so many blessings from the universe. Letting it all in graciously is a gift back”

“I now get what I want with ease and grace”

“I love my desires, I love sharing them, I love them getting fulfilled”

"I am ready of a year of ease, joy, pleasure and adventure!”

"I know that I have the freedom to do, have, be, what I want- when I want it- where I want it."

My wish is that you take these affirmations and create your own morning ritual where you speak them out loud daily! Screenshot this email or take these and write them down in the notes section of your phone so you have an easy place to go to and recite them. May this year be free and clear of all past ties to people, things and habits that don’t serve your highest, widest expression.

Do you want a little help to cut the cords of 2022 so that you truly begin this new year fresh+clear?

I have a unique invitation that will give you the momentum and skills to manifest your desires and dreams to come to you…… here it is

My special energetic bundle clears old patterns and rewires you for next-level energy to make space for someone or something new coming into your experience! Explore The Art of Feminine Manifestation and Mastery and the Regal confidence that comes with it.

Within this bundle, you get to take things a step further after clearing space, and explore the art of manifestation and attracting your desires.

Use this bundle as your own personal reset or even share it as the BEST gift of confidence and clarity that you can give to a friend to help with their empowerment journey.

I want to close this quote from an unknown source as we begin this new year that if filled with infinite mystery and surprise…

"The secret to virtue lies in complete surrender to nature."


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