Letting Your Pain Become Your Power

Using your Feminine Power to Get What you Want

We all have painful experiences that feel like tragedies in life, but today I want to talk about turning that pain into pure power❤️‍🔥

It’s time for you to get what you truly want!

One of my sources of pain is the sadness I feel in my relationship with my mother. In reality, my parents were the most prominent teachers for me to transmit energy into a powerful force that works for me.

They’ve been excellent teachers on why I’ve developed myself so profoundly- whether it’s in my money and wealth, creation, health, and happiness, or a deep development and devotion to having a very healthy, fulfilled, wildly successful, and juicy relationship with men.

I saw my mom as weak when it came to men giving her power away, but she was not.

She used her feminine power to get what she wanted.

She’s very powerful and brilliant.

She’s strategic, magnetic, and plays an unassuming role which one can view as weak. However, there is much strength I saw there later in my life.

She helped me become more attuned to my environment, develop my intuition, and learn how to filter and decipher my boundaries.

This whole personal development, professional development, relationship development, and the sexual developmental journey I’ve been on is a direct result of the blessing that both of my parents were to me.

Although, for many years, I held it inside of me as a tragedy, as many of us do.

I can now see how they were the perfect teachers for me, teaching me the lessons of what or what not to do when it comes to love, sex, money, and relationships.

They’ve taught me lessons of over-responsibility for things that are never mine, how to choose myself first, and letting go of all responsibilities to anyone or anything that’s not mine, like their future, past choices, heart, their journey.

A simple thing like my mom telling me what to do with my hair and being able to say to her, “no, it’s my choice.”

This is how you can turn that pain into POWER.

Share this with a friend who needs to reclaim their power📲

So, how do you get yourself in a place to set these boundaries and boldly communicate them?

The first step is self-love and forming a juicy, deep soul connection that will guide you to actualizing your deepest desires.

I invite you to take this wisdom to the next level and begin a transformational journey leaning into love.

This is a path of love fueled by self-acceptance, which is not a technique but more of a seeing.

Acceptance takes place when you build up the courage to look into your own shadow and transform it into power.

Take advantage of this special 70% off discount and start using your feminine power to get what you want.

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